Global Ultimate Training School
It all began with an idea from our director, Tiina Booth, to develop a high level training camp for high school ultimate players back in 2001. With just 28 campers during a one week overnight summer camp, the National Ultimate Training Camp (NUTC) was born.
Through Tiina’s innovative training methodologies rooted in decades of experience as both a player and coach, NUTC was poised to become a world renowned ultimate training camp.
From there, NUTC expanded to offer 4, week long sessions each summer and has successfully run for over 20 years. Our previous campers, #NUTCnation, are made up of thousands of players and coaches who’s backgrounds range from local town leagues to elite international competition teams.
NUTC consistently brings together a diverse group of campers and elite staff from across the globe to train each summer, embodying our motto, “Learn from the Best.”
In order to service a larger community and support growth and development during the COVID pandemic, we introduced online player and coach development programs such as the NUTZ Conference (2020), and the NUTC Coaches Courses (2021).
We have continued to expand our online opportunities and now provide a variety of courses for any ultimate players and coaches to participate in. Proceeds from this programming provide scholarships for NUTC campers in need.
Join high school ultimate players from across the USA and beyond for week long training camps this summer
Join other players and coaches across all levels of experience in online training course opportunities this winter
NUTC on the Road
Arrange for elite NUTC staff to travel to you and organize team training programs tailored to your specific team needs.
(Global Ultimate Training Camp) Arrange for elite NUTC staff to travel internationally to you and organize team training programs tailored to your specific team needs.
Learn from the best.
Our mission is to provide all of our participants with the highest quality instructors available. Whether it be in person, on field training or online curriculums, we handpick leaders to ensure topnotch service. Under the guidance of our director, Tiina Booth, we have maintained this trait for the past 21 years.